Monday, 6 June 2011

If you pull out a grey hair do seven new grey hairs really grow back?

This is a beauty myth that I have been wanting to bust for a while as I am surprised how many people actually believe it. I am quite vain so hate having visible grey hairs. Having naturally dark brown hair means that even a single grey hair is very noticeable. From the age of about 22 or 23 I discovered that I had about five grey hairs floating about. As soon as I could see them I'd pull them out. Then, a few months later when they were rearing their ugly heads again - pluck, out they'd come again! Up until I was about 27 or 28 I only had these 5 grey hairs, well that was all I could find anyway. Then from 28 onwards they have been inviting their friends and relatives to move in and I am slowly losing the plucking battle (side note: this increase in grey hairs at 28 was also the year that I got married...I wonder if their is any correlation between getting married and going grey??).

Whenever I was having a conversation with someone about grey hairs and I'd mention that I pull mine out, they'd look at me horrified - 'you can't do that, seven more will grow back in its place' they would all warn me. Even my hairdresser was horrified that I plucked my grey hairs. One day when she was straightening my hair I could see a stray grey sticking up and it was driving me crazy. I asked her to pull it out and she refused saying that I'd end up with more if she pulled it out.

I have never believed this old wives tale, mostly because for five years I kept plucking my greys yet they didn't increase in number. Plus it made no sense to me. Why would plucking greys cause more greys to grow when the same is not true for your coloured hair. Imagine if it were true - that would mean that the cure for baldness would be to pluck out your hair as each hair you pluck causes seven more to grow in its place - doesn't really make sense, does it? Or worse, each time you waxed your legs, seven hairs replaced each pulled one - what state would your legs be in now?

Even though I conducted a scientific study on myself for five years to prove my point, I decided that it is probably not enough evidence to convince you all that this is in fact an old wives tales. In all honesty, studies with a sample size of one are rubbished in the scientific community, and most likely would not be accepted just as much in the blogging community so more research was needed to prove my point!

So, firstly, a little bit about hair - only one hair can grow out of each hair follicle. If you pull out a single hair, no matter the colour, only one hair will ever grow back in its place. The most probable reason this old wives tale came about was that when you pull out a grey hair it takes roughly three months to grow back and then at least another three months until it has grown long enough to become visible. So, in the time since you pulled that grey hair out, you have actually aged six months, and it is a well know fact that the older you get the more grey hairs you get. Therefore, I don't think it is your hair plucking that is causing more greys to grow but in fact just old man time is once again being cruel to your body. So pluck away my friends!

How do you tackle your grey hairs? Do you pluck them like me or dye them? Or are you proud of your grey hairs?

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I tackle my grey hair by pulling. I don't find increase, rather I found my grey hair is getting less.
Thanks for this, I'm 24 and have found 6 grey hair today, so I plucked. My hairdresser warned that if I plucked 7 more would come to the funeral!! So Googled grey hair and found you, very much at ease now. Mum later confirmed also. Hairdressers should know this kind of info!!
1 reply · active 669 weeks ago
I've always ignored that old wives tale too. I pluck my wife's greys every six months or so rather than let her dye her hair. I got about 300 strands last time. Takes a couple of nights while she's watching telly with her head on my lap. Strangley satisfying. If the tale were true she'd be all grey by now!
1 reply · active 663 weeks ago
I've been plucking my grey hairs ever since i was 23, and im 36 now. Some of my friends told me that if i pluck one, 3 would grow! My sister loves plucking my grey hairs and she would do that once a month and could get around 100 strands. Googled and found this page. Yes i don't believe the myth either. Otherwise i would have looked like a 200-year old woman by now.
1 reply · active 663 weeks ago
expertgreyhaor's avatar

expertgreyhaor · 650 weeks ago

the correlation , the more sex you have the more grey hair
1 reply · active 650 weeks ago
I had twelve grey hair when I plucked out one. so I don't know who to believe!
Now this perfectly answered the question that I have been thinking about. I also have grey hairs at an early age which was plucked by my friend which is the reason I was so pissed because I thought it was the reason why I have a lot now. That's why I dye my hair every after three months.
1 reply · active 602 weeks ago
well science reduced the worry of people about their health fitness and beauty problems.Such as hair repairing and damaging problems has been minimized due to researches and different caring products.
I thought it was the reason why I have a lot now. That's why I dye my hair every after three months.
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Excellent stuff sar blog
It makes sense one hair comes out of one follicle. Anyway, good read, thanks!
I really like this page so much ,,,,,, so better to keep on posting! Thanks for sharing Hair cuttery davie fl
It's true that if you pluck one grey, others won't grow in its place. However, other not-grey will become grey with age, giving the impression they grew instead of the one plucked.
You've only given the advantages of plucking. But there are also disadvantages: the scalp can become irritated or even infected; the number of hairs will be reduced, causing small bald patches. There are also other options:
- dying your hair (unless your care about the chemicals, in which case you wouldn't like this option);
- cutting the hair very short (works better rather for men).
Of course, plucking grey hair may not give you seven more grey hair but it may give you a habit of plucking your own hair. Instead of plucking grey hair you can follow some natural ways to turn your grey hair dark. There were natural ingredients like Indian gooseberries, etc which controls hair to stop graying and turn in to dark, google it for those DIY hair masks. Plucking grey hair some times leads to hair loss too.
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I personally also feel the horror of gray. In fact very young began to appear but faster than you populate a few years my hair almost completely white.
Dejected for not wanting my appearance, I went to a great beautician who advised me and radically changed the image.
First I arranged my long hair white to pass an extraordinary and expensive dye that brought me back to my younger years.

After three weeks told me to come back to the salon. It found that the hair was nicely colored and suggested I could use a nice smoothed to eliminate frizz my hair was.
I applied a Moroccan smoothing: that lasted a few hours the process and at the end I had rejuvenated 20 years. Now, at the slightest doubt, I turn to him and I am another woman.

As for my husband who also has very white hair told me to go and I made a nice haircut and Amazing !!! was another. He did not want to dye your hair color but is an expert advised that the graying man with a nice look fabulously cut and an interesting and modern look in their dress.
So folks, here I leave with you my experience.
Look handsome but always in the hands of a good expert.
A hug for everyone !!!
1 reply · active 477 weeks ago
Thanks for your post. I've been plucking my grey hairs ever since i was 23, and im 36 now. Some of my friends told me that if i pluck one, 3 would grow! My sister loves plucking my grey hairs and she would do that once a month and could get around 100 strands. Googled and found this page.
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