The Aphelia Cosmetology herbal skincare range is based on
Traditional Chinese Medicine. Rather than rely on one 'hero herb' in an
otherwise basic formulation, Aphelia Cosmetology uses a precise prescription of
herbs to create a formulation that heals and nurtures your skin.
The acne range from Aphelia Cosmetology is truly unique - it is the world’s
only acne solution with no Benzoyl Peroxide & Salicylic Acid that has been
proven with independent in vitro (this means in a petri dish or in a
test tube) tests to inhibit acne bacterium for 6 hours at 99.96% (I have a copy
of these studies which I will go through in more detail in another post). This
means that the acne range from Aphelia Cosmetology won't produce the side
effects that Benzoyl Peroxide & Salicylic Acid may cause such as drying and
irritating you skin.If you think that this might be something that you would like to try then you are in luck - I have a pack of the Aphelia Cosmetology skincare to give away.
What your pack will include: Oasis Acne Solution, Classic Skin Purifier Cleansing Beauty Oil and the Master Cleanse.
To win, all you have to do is follow me by either GFC, Facebook or email and then comment with the answer the following question:
What is your worst pimple/acne experience?
The winner will be drawn randomly (so don't worry if your story isn't too horrific!).
Want to hear mine? It happened when I was about 14 and is a classic why you should not squeeze pimples story. I woke up one Saturday with a smallish pimple right on the tip of my nose. I had a party to go to later that night so wanted it gone. It had a white head on it so I thought that I could squeeze it but when I did nothing came out. So, I tried again. Still nothing. So I popped it with a pin. A little bit of gunk came out but it still looked like more was there but it just wasn't coming so I gave up and put some toner on it (that seemed the right thing to do in my 14 year old wisdom). Clearly it wasn't. An hour later it had tripled in size and was now yellow, so clearly infected. So, of course I squeezed it again but only water pus came out. For the rest of the day, each time it was allowed it scab over, within minutes it would be full of yellow pus again. It was hideous and now the surrounding skin was also bright red and swollen. In fact, it was so swollen the tip of my nose was now in my line of vision which just further irritated me and reminded me it was there. I spent the entire day putting a dab of every product I own on it every 5 minutes. In hindsight, none of these products were antiseptics so were never going to clear the infection - I think they just further inflamed it. By the time time the party rocked around, I had managed to get rid of the yellow infection but now had a rather large scab on the end of my nose plus my entire nose was very much Rudolf like. To say that it was noticeable is an understatement. The redness was actually so bad that my nose looked sunburned; however, it was the middle of winter so that was not possible. I remember people asking what happened to my nose at the party. For some reason, I recall being really embarrassed to admit that I had a pimple so made some lie up about hurting my nose. I have no idea why I was so embarrassed to have a pimple since, as the party was full of 14 year olds, I would say that every single person there would have had one on their face at that time! As a 32 year old looking back at my 14 year old self, I no longer feel that situation was embarrassing and am surprised how strongly I felt shame about that pimple. Teenagers are a funny species - one that we will never fully understand, even having had once been one!
Anyway, this competition will run until 8.00pm (AEST)on Sunday April 14th and the winner will be contacted by email. I have two methods of commenting below - if you use Intense Debate (the bottom comment section) there is no need to provide an email address as it gets sent to me with your comment. However, if you comment with Nuffnang X Conversations can you please leave your email address so I can contact you. This competition is open Australia Wide.
catn2kittens · 625 weeks ago
I am too old to need acne products now, but would love to win this range for my two sons aged 18 and 19.
Tracy Boulter · 625 weeks ago
felt it altered the shape of my face I hated it so much.
My daughter now has bad acne, so bad she had a script from the doctor but won't take it
now as it is a very nasty medication. She does find the pill helps a little, this would help her heaps.
Anna · 625 weeks ago
Thinking back to my teenage years my worst story would have to be when I decided to give myself a clay mask to try and help rid my skin of oil and problem pimples. I had been laying there relaxing with the clay mask slowly setting and my girlfriend phoned and invited me out. I had to rush to get the bus so quickly washed off the mask, put on some eye shadow and lip gloss and dashed out the door. While I was on the bus I was feel pretty good as this guy keep looking at me..he couldnt take his eyes off me. It wasnt until I arrived at my destination adn my friend asked me what was on my face that i realised i had missed washing of a section of the clay mask...OMG.
Pauline · 624 weeks ago
Ina · 624 weeks ago
Serene · 624 weeks ago
AmberB · 624 weeks ago
amanda mackie · 624 weeks ago
Karly · 623 weeks ago
Cynthia · 623 weeks ago
suzanne · 623 weeks ago
Bottled Beauty · 623 weeks ago
missredsage 18p · 623 weeks ago
Suzie · 623 weeks ago
hritikpuri9 1p · 130 weeks ago
Anuj Singh · 129 weeks ago