I first encountered Milk Baby at my baby shower when pregnant with The Crazy Kid. I received the Snotty Grotty Room Spray. It came from a childless friend who, I am almost certain, only bought it because she thought the name was funny! Little did either of us realise that this would go on to become one of my most used baby products.
Christmas Gift packs
The Milk Baby range would make an excellent Christmas gift for any new parent, baby or expectant mother. I know from experience that receiving beautiful products to use on the baby is a gift that is always appreciated. The Milk Baby Gifts are especially good value.
My Favourites RRP$34.95 (valued at $47.90)
- Snotty Grotty Room Spray 150ml
- Bath Time Wash 375ml
Snotty Grotty Room Spray: 84% certified organic. Contains certified
organic chamomile extract, certified organic rose hip oil, certified organic
lavender oil, certified organic ylang ylang oil. This smells divine. Each time the Crazy Kid or Kiki get sick I spray their room with it - I spray it all over their cot/bed, it the air, and on their sleeping bags. I have found that it really helps them sleep when they are all blocked up, and the more sleep they can get the faster they feel better. A bottle lasts forever as well. The Crazy Kid is just about to turn 3 and I am still on my first bottle. I will even bust it out to freshen their room after potent nappy changes!
Bath Time Wash: Bath Time Wash is 82%
certified organic. Contains certified organic lavender oil, certified organic
chamomile extract, certified organic neroli 3% in jojoba oil, certified organic
calendula. This is another amazingly scented product. I have been using it on Crazy and Kiki as a bubble bath, body wash and shampoo and it has done wonders for their skin - especially Kiki's. When The Crazy Kid was a fresh new thing I only used natural products on him but as time went on, and his skin proved to be non sensitive, I got lazy and just used the body washes I didn't want anymore for his bubble bath. Now Crazy and Kiki have a bath together. The problem is, Kiki has sensitive skin with a bit of eczema. I was in the habit of using any old products in the bath and it really caused her skin to flair up. Since I have switched to this (along with the Spotty Tots miracle cream which I will review in a separate post), Kiki's skin has really settled down and cleared up.
Small Gift Pack RRP $39.95 (valued at $47.90)

- Nighty Night Room Spray 150ml
- Bath Time Wash 375ml
I haven't tried the Nighty Night Room spray but if it works as well as the Snotty Grotty Room Spray then it is likely to be a real winner. The Crazy Kid was always an awesome sleeper - he spoilt us! Whereas, Kiki is a shocker. She is 7 months and is still waking every 2 hours. It's mostly our fault as we have been so worried about her waking Crazy that we rush to her side the second she makes a peep so she hasn't developed self settling skills. We have just about reached rock bottom in the tired stakes so I am now thinking that this might be just what we need to help her on her sleepy journey. I'll keep you posted on how we go. In the meantime, here is a little more info:
MILK Nighty Night Room Spray relaxes and
calms your baby, preparing them for a snug and happy sleep. Nighty Night Room
spray can be used around the room, including the sleeping area.
Nighty Night room spray is 78% certified
organic. Contains certified organic lavender oil, certified organic neroli 3%
in jojoba oil, certified organic chamomile extract, certified organic ylang
ylang oil.
Large Gift Pack RRP $89.95 (values at $101.80)
- Bath Time Wash 375mL,
- Nighty Night Room Spray 150mL,
- Sleepy Bubs Massage Oil 150mL
- Snotty Grotty Room Spray 150mL.
Sleepy Bubs Massage Oil: Massage is fantastic for bonding with your baby. They absolutely love it and it is the perfect calming technique before bed. This one has the added bonus of lots of sleepy ingredients to send your little one to the land of the nods (I think I also need this in my sleep arsenal for Kiki!). Here is a little more on the product:
Sleepy Bubs massage oil helps you take your
baby away in moments to dream of hugs, milk and teddy bears. Certified organic lavender oil, certified
organic chamomile 3% in jojoba oil, certified organic sunflower oil, certified
organic calendula oil.
One last gift that you need to get your little one is a tube of the Milk Toothy Pegs tooth paste. At $5.99 it makes the perfect stocking stuffer and your little one will feel all grown up having their very own toothpaste just like Mummy and Daddy. And, if yours are anything like The Crazy Kid then they will need that toothpaste on Christmas Day. Last year, thanks to the
bloody lovely grandparents, Crazy ate his body weight in M&Ms (and I anticipate this year will be worse!) so the Milk Toothy Pegs would serve well to counterbalance the sugar overload! Crazy flips out if he sees me putting this (or any toothpaste) on his toothbrush; however, if I can sneakily get it on before he notices it then he loves the flavour. I tried it and it is not minty like normal toothpaste (which can be a bit burny for little kids) but has more of an orangey flavour, which they should love. My trick is to put a little on then rub it onto the brush so Crazy can't see it!
According to
Lindy Klim, the Milk Toothy Pegs tooth paste contains:
- Aloe Vera juice which is
shown to kill more bacteria than at least two leading toothpastes;
- Coconut oil which is a
powerful, natural antibacterial and antifungal. It is proven to be excellent
for your gums, the oil kills the bacteria that are responsible for gingivitis;
- Organic olive oil which is
shown to limit plaque formation and strengthen teeth
- Organic stevia is known as a
natural plaque inhibitor.
Since becoming a mum I spend far less time on my beauty routine than I used to. However, every day I am bathing my kids, putting ointment on the skin, de-stinking their room so I love to be able to use high quality, gorgeously fragranced products on them. I can absolutely guarantee that if you know someone who is a beauty nut who also has little ones they would adore receiving one of these gift packs for Christmas.
What beautiful baby products do you like to use on your little ones?
All opinions are my own and I received no remuneration for this post. The Bath Time Wash and the Spotty Tots Miracle Cream were provided for consideration. All other products reviewed were purchased by myself or given to me as gifts.