
Saturday 6 August 2011

I'm going to Hawaii!! Help me create a Sephora shopping list.

I have a confession. Until a couple of weeks ago I didn't really know what Sephora was. Yeah, I'd heard of it, but I guess I just thought that it was the US's version of Priceline. Then I read Kimmi's post about her Sephora haul on The Plastic Diaries and I realised that Sephora was so much more than I had ever imagined.

I am attending a dear friend's a wedding in Hawaii early next year. In fact, I should have been Best Man at the wedding but my husband pipped me at the post - apparently the groom was scared that I would have ordered male Hawaiian strippers for the bucks night (which I would have - female strippers don't do it for me!). So, we have decided to make a bit of a family holiday of it, and hopefully I can sneak a little bit of shopping in as well!

For today's post I thought that I'd make it interactive. I was wondering if you could help me devise a Sephora shopping list. I have had a quick look on their website but got totally overwhelmed. Where do I start? Well, the most obvious place is with you guys! Do you have a Sephora wish list? Or have you hauled from Sephora yourself? The boys will be having a golf day whilst we are over there which means that us girls get a shopping day. However, my friends are not nearly as beauty obsessed as I am so there is no way that they will tolerate (or even stick around for!!) me spending 3 hours in Sephora. That means that I need to have a really concise list before I go so that I can rush in there, grab want I want and go before they all abandon me! We are flying with Hawaii Airlines which means that between me, my husband and our toddler we have a 160kg luggage limit (how crazy is that!! Us adults get 64kgs and our bub gets 32kgs!!) so weight is not going to be an issue.

So what am I after? Mostly skincare and bath & body products though if there are makeup products that are an absolute steal or are totally different to what we get here then I am interested. I love the idea of getting products that aren't available in Australia (even though that is then a tease when they run out). I am thinking of getting some Philosophy shower gels though not sure whether Sephora is cheaper than I am also a huge perfume addict so love ideas of unique perfumes as well. How can you help me? If you have your own Sephora wish list then post it in the comments below. Or, have you done a post, or read a post of a drool worth Sephora haul then please post the link. I'd love suggestions of things to look out for but also things to avoid - ie any product that you bought from Sephora that didn't live up to your expectations. I have 6 months to compile this list, so as you can see I am already fast running out of time!

Have you entered my latest BIOeffect giveaway? Here's the link if you haven't checked it out yet.