
Thursday 7 July 2011

ALERT ALERT! Jurlique giveaway ahead!!

This giveaway has now closed. Click here to see if you were the winner!

I have been blogging for about 3 months now and I have to say that I love it more than I could have ever imagined. When I had to write scientific papers for work it was always such a chore. I would procrastinate, write one sentence then jump onto to read an article; write another sentence then 'quickly' check eBay for bargains; finish the paragraph then hit the Beauty Heaven forum to see if anyone desperately needed my opinion on something, anything...

Blogging is not like that. If I am not writing an article on my computer, then I am writing one in my head. I get to write about whatever I want and it is so liberating. If an article just isn't working, I move on (I currently have 47 partially written drafts saved! One day they will see the light of day and be published!).

So, to say thanks to all the lovely readers that I have had since the start who have encouraged me on my adventure, and to also attract some newbies to my blog as blogging has made me narcissistic and I want more readers I tell you, moooooore, I have decided to host a giveaway. I mentioned in a few posts how much I love Jurlique (if you missed them they are here, here and here), so the gorgeous people at Jurlique and Torstar Communications have teamed up to help me host an amazing giveaway. One winner will get:

Jurlique Lavender Hydrating Mist

Jurlique Lavender Shower Gel

Jurlique Lavender Hand Cream

Now I bet you are all busting to know how you can win this awesome prize. Since it is my first giveaway I am going to keep it nice and simple. All you have to do is:
  1. Follow me either by email or on Google Friend Connect (GFC)
  2. Tell me in the comments section below how you are following me (and what your GFC name is) and also tell me what your favourite Jurlique product is or which Jurlique product you would most like try.
Simple! I'd love it if you also followed me on bloglovin' or Tweeted about the giveaway...but only if you want to!

This comp is only open to Australian readers and will be drawn on Saturday 16th July (which is also my sisters birthday, how cool is that!!). So what are you waiting for...get entering!!

ps Some people have let me know that their comments haven't been showing up. I had a problem with Intense Debate, but I think that I have fixed it. Every comment gets emailed to me anyway, so I will have your entry, but if you are unsure drop me an email to let me know your comment isn't showing up. Don't forget to leave your email address when filling out the comment form (not in comment box otherwise it will be public) so I can notify you if you win.