
Saturday 26 January 2013

Wedding make-up using Napoleon Perdis

Today is our 5th wedding anniversary. I am shocked at how fast the years have flown by. We have been together for 14 years now so it does feel like Brett has always been a part of my life...but, still, the wedding feels like it was a year ago, not 5 (though, when I look back at the photos we are both a hell of a lot skinnier so obviously time has past! I blame The Crazy Kid and Kiki for 'letting myself go'!).

Today is also Australia Day. Yep, we got married on Australia Day. It's pretty cool as it means that the date is impossible to forget, and we always get a day off; but, it also means that there is usually something else on that day so we actually haven't really celebrated our anniversary so far. Today, though, we are going to more effort. We have booked lunch at Gastro Park (if you watch Masterchef, that's the one where they made calamari crackling - sounds very interesting!) and then we are following it with a helicopter flight over Sydney so it should be a fantastic day. But, the point of this post isn't to tell you that but to share with you my makeup from the day.

At the time I didn't have a regular hairdresser so I decided to just get my hair done at a local salon at the shops. I then decided that since we had to go up there we may as well get our makeup done at a Napoleon Perdis store. It ended up being a good option for us and the best part was that the cost of having our makeup done was redeemable in products. For me, I had a trial and then the makeup on the day and it was $70 each time (not sure if the price is still the same today) but then I was able to choose $140 worth of makeup so I got all the products they used on me to touch up throughout the day. All of my bridesmaids also used Napoleon Perdis products so they were happy to get more makeup too!

At the time, my makeup skills weren't nearly what they are today. I wore very little makeup - pretty much just eye shadow and mascara, so I would never have attempted to do my own makeup. Plus, I liked the experience of being pampered on my wedding day. I actually didn't want to wear foundation (or much makeup for that matter) on the day as I never really wore it but my photographer talked me out of it. He made the point that I would be having a million photos taken that day and my skin would photograph shiny without foundation, plus I would look under done compared to other guests. What he suggested was that I get a makeup trial done then go over to his place and he would do a photo shoot with me so I can see how my makeup photographed. I am so glad I followed his advice as I was really happy with how it looked in the photos.

My eyes are my favourite feature so we decided to accentuate them and keep my lips looking more neutral. I used Autopilot Primer, Camera Finish Foundation, Bronze Patrol and I can't remember exactly the eye colours but they were teals and neutrals to bring out my natural green/blue eye colour plus match with the teal in my wedding dress.

Here are some of my photos. I used Alan Khan photography on the day, and these are a selection of the professional photos (we got to keep all of the digital negatives which I was so pleased about).

From the pre-wedding photo shoot - after seeing this
I knew my makeup would look good in photos


More posing!

My beautiful family - we have a running joke that
in every family photo, just to piss mum off, I go cross-eyed.
I wasn't going to make an exception on my wedding day!

I love this photo with my sister

Can't have a wedding post without a pic of my
gorgeous husband

Finally, I had to show you the back of my wedding dress - that was the best part!

My wedding day was the best day of my life, but damn, I never want to go through that again! We followed it up with 3 1/2 weeks in Thailand and Malaysia - pure and utter bliss (and that was the point in which we started getting fat and have never recovered!!).

Happy anniversary, Brett!

Did you do your own wedding makeup or employ the services of a makeup artist. Were you happy with the final result?