
Sunday 5 August 2012

An update on Kiki & Crazy + posts you might have missed

I have never quite been able to work out how to mix personal news into my blog. I know that it is my blog and that I can write about whatever I damn well want but I keep telling myself that my readers are here for beauty articles and not baby news. I think I might have found a solution...I am going to smuggle in my personal news in with my Sunday review post - beauty during the week and the weekends are for whatever I feel like writing about!

Kiki turned 3 months last Monday and I am shocked by how quickly it is going this time around. I think that Crazy is keeping me so busy that Kiki is growing up without me noticing. So, far she has been a really easy baby so that is making the transition easier for all of us, and especially Crazy. Apart from when she needs a feed, she is pretty contented although when Crazy is occupied and we are able to actually give her some attention her face lights up and she is all smiles and giggles - this makes me feel a tad guilty as it seems like she is craving attention. Ah, the trials and tribulations of a second born!

Kiki at 3 months

All smiles (because Crazy is asleep!)

Crazy and Kiki telling secrets

Now, back to beauty! Here are a few posts you may have missed from the past few weeks (I am feeling uninspired so no theme to the posts this week!).

Have you entered my HUGE Alpha-H giveaway? Plenty of Liquid Gold goodies to win.

I have been working my way through a stack of reviews on gorgeous products from The Jojoba Company. These include their Botanical Hydrating Face Mask, their 100% Natural Makeup Remover and their Australian Jojoba Oil. If you are wondering why Jojoba is so good for your skin then it is all explained here.

I found out that a gorgeous Aussie brand that I had previously experienced in a hotel is now available for purchase by the general public - hooray! If you haven't already heard of Romy then they are definitely worth further investigation!

Finally, in case you missed it, LancĂ´me have release a follow up product to compliment their hugely successful Visionnaire [LR 2412 4%] Advanced Skin Corrector serum, the Visionnaire [LR2412] Correcting Polishing Cream. This hit shelves in Australia and Asia on 29th July, 2012.

So, do you have any news that I missed over the last week?