
Sunday 24 June 2012

Posts you may have missed: It's all about the hair

I saw on Sara-May's blog, Makeup Utopia, that she does a recap each Sunday of posts you may have missed during the week. I thought that this was a brilliant idea so have decided to steal incorporate this idea for my blog. However, rather than recapping posts that I have done in the last week I will try to group together posts of a similar theme. This is because there will be some weeks where I only manage to achieve one post and that will look a little pathetic sitting there all on its own!

So, for my first 'Posts you may have missed' I have decided to go with a haircare theme.

Now that I have two kids to deal with (one being a newborn), finding the time to go to the hair dresser is near impossible. However, my kids are seriously sending me grey and it is driving me crazy! So I set myself a challenge - could I successfully dye my hair at home and cover my greys using the John Frieda Precision Foam Colour whilst my babies napped. Click here to see if I was successful!

Speaking of grey hair, have you always wondered whether it is true that if you pull out a grey hair, seven will grow back in it's place? Find out here whether it is true or yet another old wives tale.

I am not the only one who is struggling to find the time to go to the hairdresser. My husband has the same issues with time; however, he has the thickest, fullest head of hair you have ever seen so he needs to get it cut every four weeks otherwise it becomes one big boof. We test drove the Remington Powerhouse Clippers to see whether they were good enough to tame his steel wool like locks and if I could add hairdresser to my resume!

Does your head itch? It shouldn't. Give the QV Gentle shampoo and conditioner a trial and the itch should go. It did for me.

When my scalp is behaving and not being all itchy I use the Herbal Essences Tousle Me Softly range to keep my curls looking awesome.

Finally, a bit of fun. I bet you have always wondered whether bull semen would make a great hair mask. Well, would it?

Do you have a great hair tip you wish to share?

Do you have any great hair posts? If so, I'd love to read them so please post a link in the comments.