
Tuesday 21 June 2011

The Liebster strikes again!

You might recall back in May that I wrote how I had been nominated for a Liebster Blog Award by  Su, from My Perfume Diaries. Well, it seems that Mr Liebster has made another visit  back to my little blog and this time he was sent by Julie from Me, My Best and I. If you haven't yet discovered Me, My Best and I, I urge you to have a look. It is jam packed with heaps of beauty reviews and, as Julie is a qualified Beauty Therapist, she actually knows what she is talking about!

So, just to remind you, the Liebster is a award for those who have less than 300 Google followers but deserves more recognition and following than this. It is a way of getting the fantastic little blogs out there the publicity that they deserve.

If you receive the award you link back to the blogger that nominated you and nominate 3 more blogs. Below are 3 blogs that I love seeing new posts from and that I would would like to pass on the Liebster Blog Award to. They also deserve your following and support so have a look!

Dempeaux - Check this blog out at your own risk. She writes amazing reviews of products I have never heard but suddenly must have - two notables are Shiro Cosmetics and MuLondon skincare.

Things I Love - Brilliantly honest reviews of all her favorite honest that they suddenly become my favourite things as well! Two posts I particularly liked were Review: Shu Uemura Fresh Cleansing Oil and Make Your Own Solid Perfume.

Skin Scrubs - This is a lovely UK blog I recently discovered that, as well as reviewing various skin scrubs, as the title would suggest, such as in the R.I.P. my beauties post, also contains really thought provoking articles like Will beauty blogs be the death of the magazine? 

Are their any brilliant little blogs out there that you have discovered that deserve to be Leiebsterised?