
Monday 2 May 2011

Liebster Blog Awards

I was really excited to see last night that Su, from My Perfume Diaries, had nominated me for a Liebster Blog Award. It is really nice to know that there are people out there who are as interested in science as I am...well maybe not to the obsessive extent that I am, but at least there are people who find it interesting! If you love perfume, like I do, then I really suggest you check out Su's blog as she reviews everything from perfumes to oils to imps - well worth checking out.

If you haven't heard of it before, the Liebster is a award for those who have less than 300 Google followers but deserves more recognition and following than this. It is a way of getting the fantastic little blogs out there the publicity that they deserve.

If you receive the award you link back to the blogger that nominated you and nominate 3 more blogs. Below are 3 blogs that I love seeing new posts from and that I would would like to pass on the Liebster Blog Award to. They also deserve your following and support so have a look!

All the pretty faces - Magda does some of the most amazing makeup creations that I have ever seen. I love really out there make up but don't have the skills, or the imagination, to do it myself. Magda provides step by step tutorials showing you exactly how to create these out there looks!

The Plastic Diaries - Kimmi provides reviews on everything from beauty products to explanations of plastic surgery procedures. Hers is another blog I love to keep up to date with.

Indulgent Beauty Reviews - I have to admit that I have a certain fondness for indulgent beauty products though no longer have the disposable income to purchase them anymore. Instead, I live vicariously through Nadia, who reviews some of the more beautiful beauty products on the market.

I hope you enjoy checking out these blogs as much as I do!

Are there any other blogs out there that you think deserve more recognition that I should check out?